
Hi, I am glad that you stopped by. I have FINALLY decided to do a blog. It is not my intention to post here every day, but who knows, Lord willing, maybe I will.

Anyone that knows me knows that I am a Christian Birder. Meaning that I am a Birder in every sense of the word. I will drive three hours just to see a life bird, or walk around in the freezing cold just to catch a glimps of a Golden Eagle. I own both Sibley's and Kaufman's Field guides to my neck of the woods ( BTW, I like Ken's pictures over Sibley's drawings...but that is just me. ;-) )

What makes me different than most but not all is that I look for God and His hand in everything. Why? Because it was his love that saved me from the depths of despair that I was in as a young...er man 20 years ago. So from the moment that HE saved me, it has been my honor and duty to give God the glory in everything.

One of my favorite passages is Matthew 10.29-31 which says:

"29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.
30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

That is the comfort that I have. When I am in the midst of tough times, I have a God and a savior that knows my needs, and supplies them on a daily basis.

The other thing about me is that I am is an amateur photographer. God has given me a Nikon D300 and a Tamron 200-500mm lens to explore the world around me. But I also have a wide variety of wide angle and macro lenses that I'll pull out from time to time. I will add new pictures of His creation whenever possible. Mostly birds, but maybe an occasional other nature/scenic shot. If it looks a little distorted then click on the picture and it will open up to full size.

So again, welcome!

Now on to the Blog!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Overwhelmed! Where Do I Start!

Ever feel like this little lady?

Not knowing where to start? Maybe the project, like this nut, is just too big?

I do from time to time. Sometimes, I see a big project at work or home as a challenge... an opportunity, and I jump on it...at first, then it turns into a chore, then a morass. Finally I am so bogged down that it either gets put on hold or half way completed and totally forgotten...Sound familiar?

Thinking back on these failed projects, I recognize that I forgot to do one thing in all of them. Pray and listen!

Joshua had a big demolition project ahead of him. God told him to destroy Jericho. Now Jericho isn't some run of the mill little town that had no protection...No, it was a well fortified city with huge, thick, walls. To say that the project was overwhelming would be an understatement. What did he do? Did he plow ahead? No, he talked to God. God then gave him a battle plan...March around and play trumpets!??? How odd, no battering ram, no big piece of equipment. What did Joshua do? Did he ignore God's counsel and plunge ahead with traditional siege warfare? No he did what God told him to. And the walls fell! Joshua and the Israelites destroyed Jericho's defenses with marching, trumpets, and a great big shout!

God is glorified when we pray to him. God is even more glorified when we listen do what God has directed us to do. It is our duty as Christians to glorify God in everything. Lets glorify God by praying, listening, seeking and acting on His direction.

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