Loosing Focus?

Cute little bird ain't it? This is one of the male House Finches that likes to visit my feeder on a daily basis. It's what I call a ho hum bird, a bird that is common and you see every day if you are in the right part of the country.
So why would I take a picture of a bird I see every day? Simple, my lens wasn't focusing correctly. I was having difficulty getting focus locks and when I did, it looked focused but when I got home and checked out my pictures, I noticed that the bird would be not as sharp as the background. I was not getting sharp eyes and the feather detail would be awful. The camera would seem like it was focused on the bird but instead it was focused a little behind the bird. This is what's known to some as back focusing.
The way to fix it is to tune your camera to the lens. On newer cameras, there is an area in your menu that will set the camera to a particular lens...after a lot of adjusting. I won't bore you with the details...that is what GOOGLE is for.
My point in this is to tell unbelievers that you are completely out of focus and have no hope. God is calling you and telling you that you must be saved. So right now, pray to God and ask him to save you in Jesus' name. Then God will work in you to bring you into focus.
Believers, sometimes you are just like that lens...out of focus or out of tune...Maybe just a little. But out of focus none the less. As believers still suffering from the effects of sin, we sometimes loose focus...or rather we focus on other things. Most people focus on their job or entertainment. Some will focus on the person giving the sermon...instead of the sermon. Or the musicians and the music...instead of the message in the music. There are others but I would be wasting cyber paper writing them down :)
So what can you do...nothing. That's right nothing...can the lens tune itself...can the camera adjust itself? Does the lens even know that it is out of tune? No. It needs man (its "creator") to do the adjusting, and recognize that it is out of tune.
Now we are certainly better than a camera lens, but we did not create ourselves...God did. We need God to let us know that we are out of tune and we need Him to adjust us. I encourage you to look through the Bible and see the people that needed retuning..that thought that they didn't need it. Jonah, David, and Job are only three that lost focus at one time in their walk, and it took God to refocus them. Jonah was self righteous, David killed a guy over a girl, and Job near the end of his trials had doubts. In each and every case, it took God either personally or through a prophet to bring them back.
They (I am assuming Jonah) recognized that they were out of focus and prayed for forgiveness and for God to bring them back into focus. But it was all God. God called attention to man's sin, and God tuned man back to where He wanted them. All man did was repent and accept the fact that God was right and he needed to change his focus, and accept God's refining.
Is God telling you that you are out of tune? Then repent and accept the fact that you need tuned. Then put it in God's hands to tune you. No matter how he does it, feast or famine, you will be more in focus...not totally because we still are suffering from the effects of sin...but we will be closer.
God Bless!