Others like this Ovenbird feed on the forest floor. You should have been there to see it eat the spider...way cool!:
Some like this Prothonotary just make great art. This male was defending his territory from other males while waiting for a mate. The picture was a reject because it was soft. But with a little Photoshop action, it turned into a great watercolor.:
Warblers live and breed all over North America. Almost all like this Yellow Warbler, pull up stakes in the Fall and make a 4000 mile journey down to South America to live for the winter.:
It's instinct...part of their genes if you will, eat, sleep, make babies, take a vacation, then come back and do it all again next spring. They are driven to do it year after year after year.
Like birds, we are driven. We have a desire to do our own thing, go where we want to go and do what we want to do. It was like that in The Garden of Eden and it is like that today. We are driven by the lust of the flesh to Sin and disobey God and do our own thing. As Romans 8.5 puts it..
"Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires..." (NIV)
Sinful nature means flesh. Your flesh is was drives you. It is your will. Without an act from an outside source, you will continue to want to disobey God. Praise God, He is that outside source. He through the blood of Jesus, calls you and he picks you up and changes you. So that your will, will be the need to praise and please God.
Sinner, Pray to God and ask him for forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into your life and change you and save you from your Sin.
Christian, maybe you are struggling with overcoming a certain sin. Remember that it is God that changes you. Ask him to change you and make you more like what he wants you to be..